General references
* Ainsworth-Vaughn, N. (1995). Claiming power in the medical encounter: The whirlpool discourse. Qualitative Health Research, 5(3), 270-291.
* Clark, J. A., & Mishler, E.G. (1992). Attending to patients' stories: reframing the clinical task. Sociology of Health & Illness, 14(3), 344-371.
* Lane, V. & Lawler, J. (1997). Pap smear brochures, misogyny and language: a discourse analysis and feminist critique. Nursing Inquiry, 4(4), 262-267.
* Lupton, D. (1992). Discourse analysis: a new methodology for understanding the ideologies of health and illness. Australian Journal of Public Health, 16(2), 145-149.
* Murray, Michael, (1997) Narrative health psychology, Massey University, Palmerston North, Dept. of Psychology. Visiting scholar series; no. 7.
* Nessa, J., & Malterud, K. (1990). Discourse analysis in general practice: A sociolinguistic approach. Family Practice, 7(2), 77-83.
* Potter, J. and Wetherell, M. (1987). Discourse and social psychology: Beyond attitudes and behaviour. London: Sage.
* Potter, J. & Wetherall, M. (1994) Analyzing discourse. In A. Bryman, & R. Burgess (eds). Analyzing qualitative data (47- 68). London: Routledge. (Extended example of an analysis of a UK TV programme about fund-raising for cancer).
* Waitzkin, H. (1990). On studying the discourse of medical encounters. Medical Care, 28(6), 473-488.
* Wetherell, M. (1999). Discourse analysis. In C. Davidson, & Tolich, M. (Ed.), Social science research in New Zealand: Many paths to understanding (pp. 265- 276). Auckland: Longman.
* Wetherell, M. (1998). Positioning and interpretative repertoires: conversation analysis and post-structuralism in dialogue. Discourse & Society, 9, 387-412.
NZ theses and dissertations
* Bähr, Giselle Lisabeth. (1997) A discourse analysis of madness in the context of deinstitutionalisation. Thesis for MSc. in Psychology at Victoria University of Wellington
* Danks, Josephine Helen. (1995), Mental disorders and community care: A discourse analysis, Thesis for MA in Psychology at Massey University.
* Hubbard, Andrew, (1999), Discourses of community in New Zealand health policy :Dissertation for BA Honours. University of Otago, Dunedin.
* Michel, Jennie. (2000), Physically restraining the confused elderly: A Foucauldian discourse analysis. Thesis for Masters in Health Science (Nursing) at Auckland University of Technology.
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Journal articles
* Avdi E. Griffin C., & Brough S. (2000). Parents' constructions of professional knowledge, expertise and authority during assessment and diagnosis of their child for an autistic spectrum disorder, British Journal of Medical Psychology. 73(Part 3):327-338.
Abstract: This paper presents a discourse analysis of parents' talk about the knowledge, expertise and authority of professionals, during assessment and diagnosis of their child for an autistic spectrum disorder at a Child Development Centre. Focusing on the positional level of analysis, it was suggested chat parents' constructions of professional expertise and authority were inherently ambivalent and at rimes contradictory. It was further argued that this ambivalence is also reflected in an ideological dilemma between equality and expertise, regarding the role and positioning of 'human relations experts'. Discourse analysis was found to be a particularly useful tool in investigating aspects of the parents' calk relating to authority, knowledge and expertise. It is suggested that acknowledging this ambivalence and scrutinizing one's assumptions and practice, rather than denying the authoritarian aspects of health care, would provide the basis for more ethical and respectful clinical practice.
* Aviles LA. (2001). Epidemiology as discourse: the politics of development institutions in the Epidemiological Profile of El Salvador. Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health. 55(3):164-171.
Abstract: Study objective-To determine the ways in which institutions devoted to international development influence epidemiological studies. Design-This article takes a descriptive epidemiological study of El Salvador, Epidemiological Profile, conducted in 1994 by the US Agency for International Development, as a case study. The methods include discourse analysis in order to uncover the ideological basis of the report and its characteristics as a discourse of development. Results-The Epidemiological Profile theoretical basis, the epidemiological transition theory, embodies the ethnocentrism of a "colonizer's model of the world." This report follows the logic of a discourse of development by depoliticising development, creating abnormalities, and relying on the development consulting industry. The epidemiological transition theory serves as an ideology that legitimises and dissimulates the international order. Conclusions-Even descriptive epidemiological assessments or epidemiological profiles are imbued with theoretical assumptions shaped by the institutional setting under which epidemiological investigations are conducted.
* Bartz R. (1999, Aug) Beyond the biopsychosocial model - New approaches to doctor-patient interactions, Journal of Family Practice. 48(8):601-607.
Abstract: The biopsychosocial model has been a cornerstone for the training of family physicians; however, little is known about the use of this model in community practice. This study, conducted in an urban Native American health center, examined the application of the biopsychosocial model by an experienced family physician. METHODS. Interactions between Dr M and 9 Native Americans with type 2 diabetes were audio-recorded following preliminary interviews. Interpretations of the interactions were elicited from Dr M through interpersonal process recall and interpretive dialogue sessions. The author analyzed this data using techniques from interpretive anthropology and narrative discourse analysis.RESULTS. in a preliminary interview, Dr M described a sophisticated biopsychosocial approach to practice. However, she viewed her actual interactions with these patients as imbued with misunderstanding, mistrust, and disconnection. This occurred in spite of her experience and commitment to providing culturally sensitive primary care. CONCLUSIONS. Biopsychosocial models of disease may conflict with patient-centered approaches to communication. To overcome difficulties in her practice environment, Dr M adopted a strategy that combined an instrumental biopsychosocial approach with a utilitarian mode of knowing and interacting with patients. The misunderstandings, mistrust, and constrained interactions point to deeper problems with the way knowledge is formed in clinical practice. We need further understanding of the interrelationships between physicians' clinical environments, knowledge of patients, and theories of disease. These elements are interwoven in the physicians' patient-specific narratives that influence their interactions in primary care settings.